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  • Priority Personnel, LLC.

    Priority Personnel, LLC.


    Employment Agency

    About Us

    Priority Personnel is an award winning staffing firm that has been serving the central Texas area since it was founded in 1993 in San Marcos, Texas. Priority Personnel provides skilled temporary and long-term employees across a broad range of occupations including light industrial, office-clerical, technical, professional and retail.

    Over the years, the company has experienced tremendous growth and has become a recognized leader in the development, implementation and support of personnel services in Central Texas. We provide solutions to some of today's most challenging human resource problems. Hundreds of Central Texas companies rely on us to provide their most valuable resource....people.

    Priority's success can be attributed in large part to the dedication and experience of its staff. Employees are personable, well trained, and eager to serve. Priority has assembled a remarkable team of professionals, each of whom shares a sense of personal dedication to meeting the needs of clients and employees.

    Priority clearly recognizes its obligation as a corporate citizen, and continually works to integrate its business offerings with the betterment of the communities in which we live. Priority remains committed to providing the highest quality service using a delivery system that demands honesty, integrity and trust.


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