Embrace the Wind!
Embrace the Wind!
The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing in a mighty way across the land. What does this mean for us and how do we embrace it?
We invite you to join us and discover what God is saying and doing in America as it applies to us. This will be an exciting two-day prophetic and healing encounter! Let's bask in the glory and presence of the Lord together. Come with anticipation and expectation of a profound encounter with the Lord.
This event will begin on Friday, April 25th with registration from Noon to 1:00. Please bring a box lunch and join us for an hour of fellowship before the first ministry session begins. Tickets are available for your Saturday lunch. Look at the add-ons section when you check out to pay in advance. Contact us on the Facebook page or call 512-394-0257
There will be prophetic worship & music, exhortation, prayer, preaching, and prophecy. Angels have often joined in chorus during this deep, throne room worship.
Whether we experience the audible presence of angels or not, the atmosphere will be charged with the presence of the Holy Spirit as we come together in worship.
If you plan to stay at the Hampton Inn, try to book your room (up to 4 people) by February 25, 2025, to ensure you have a room. The hotel has guaranteed the rooms for us until that date.
Other options are to find another hotel or book VRBO or Air BnB for yourself and your group.
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Date and Time
Friday Apr 25, 2025 Saturday Apr 26, 2025
Event Check-in
12:00 noon
Bring your box lunch and join us for some meet & greet time!Ministry
Friday, April 25
1:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 26
10:00 am - 6:00 pmLocation
Hampton Inn & Suites
151 Bunton Creek Rd.
Kyle, Texas 78640
Hotel Room Reservations: 512-268-9042 Option "0". Tell them it's for Knight Light.
(Do not call this number for event questions)
The hotel has reserved a few rooms. They will be available to book until February 25th to ensure a room is available if you want one. Standard cancellation policy applies.Fees/Admission
Event Registrations:
Early-Bird Registration: $25.00 (available through March 15th)
Registration: $35.00 after March 15th)
Click here to register for the event on Eventbrite
Contact Information
Call Deborah at 512-394-0257
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